NMS is a platform work with thinkOne which is a LoRaWAN Server developed by ManThink technology. If you use other LoRaWAN NS (TTN, linkWAN, Loriot ), don't need to read the document. URL:http://www.brickiot.cn/nms-web/#/passport/login Please contact ManThink technical support for the account and password. Try to use the latest versions of chrome browsers. Other browsers may have incomplete display problems. Open gateway management in platform configuration management and click add. Enter the deveui of the gateway in the interface of the new gateway (it must be lowercase and can be obtained from the Gateway label), and click the blue button on the right side of the text box to pull the gateway information (the gateway must be online when pulling the gateway information, otherwise, the pull fails. Enter the gateway name (custom), click OK, refresh the page, and complete the gateway addition. On the node configuration page, click Add. In the add node window, enter the node deveui (which must be lowercase), select the working mode of the node (ClassA,B,C), enter the installation location (custom), remarks (custom), click OK to refresh the page and add the node. Open data monitoring-> gateway mornitor to view the online status, heartbeat time, and last Uplink Time of the Gateway. Open the real-time data page, enter the deveui of the node in the text box, and Click subscribe. After the subscription, the node data is refreshed in real time. After the page is refreshed, you need to subscribe again. In the left-side navigation pane, choose data monitoring> Node Mornitor. Select the node's message log to view the historical data after the node is added. The message log automatically stores historical data in the background without opening a web page.0. introduction
1. Log on to the platform
2. Add devices
2.1 Add gateway
2.2 add nodes
3. View the status of the Gateway.
4. View node data
4.1 real-time data of subscription nodes
4.2 View node history data